Stay Toasty: Fireplace Maintenance Tips!

Fireplaces are a dream to have in our chilly Canadian climate! However, they come with responsibilities and maintenance. It’s important to upkeep to make sure they run smoothly and safely! If you’re one of those lucky people enjoying a fireplace, here’s a few of our tips to make sure you’re well prepared for a chilly winter!

If you’re looking to upgrade your home to include a fireplace, we’d love to chat! Let us connect you with reputable companies and use our experience to seamlessly integrate one into your home!

Safety First: Install Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Alarms

To ensure that your fireplace is functioning safely, it’s best to have a carbon monoxide and smoke alarm installed. It’s also the law! The Alberta Building Code states that certified carbon monoxide alarms are required in every building which contains a residential occupancy and also contains a fuel-burning appliance like a fireplace. Make sure yours are up to date and with fresh batteries!

Have an Electric Fireplace? Clean your fans!

Just because your fireplace might not be running on wood, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t need cleaning. Dust accumulates on fans and they won’t heat your home as effectively, costing you money! Keep an eye on your fireplace fan, which is located behind the front grill. If you notice the fan is dirty or not rotating smoothly, it’s time for a cleaning.

Monitor Issues and Call the Professionals!

Although we’d like to spend all winter in front of the fireplace, it’s important to be monitoring for anything that seems out of the ordinary. Make sure you keep everything inside the fireplace clean and remove flammable objects from near the hearth. For yearly maintenance, call a professional in for a cleaning and get it inspected regularly.

Want to add a fireplace in your space? Call us to design the perfect fire-feature for your home.

Michell Lytle